
2 Year Degrees Can Prepare You To Achieve

Going for your associate degree is an introduction to college and a great start on your path to achievement. 就像一个4年的学位, 2 year degrees require a high school diploma or a GED as a minimum requirement. This degree can either be used to learn a profession, or as a jumping off point to get your Bachelor's degree. Just like a Bachelor's degree, there are hundreds of different areas of focus that you can pick out. 更多: 2 Year Degrees Can Prepare You To Achieve

Pursuit of Online Associate Degrees

Online associate degree programs are encouraging 学生 in the pursuit of associate degrees. With traditional on-campus associate degree programs, many 学生 find themselves limited by rigid class schedules and conflicting obligations at work and at home, by their locations or by high program costs. 更多: Pursuit of Online Associate Degrees